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Aire Place Studios, Leeds 

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"How Does It Make You Feel?" 18th March - 15th April 2017

About Aire Place Studios...

Aire Place Studios' founding principles are to inspire and enrich people facing economic, physical and mental hardships by improving their future through arts and crafts.

Aire Place Studios offer a number of individual fixed creative workspaces, the users of which act as a collaborative steering group tailoring the space to the needs of all the studios members.

The unique way in which the studio is run means the fixed space members will provide the backing to maintain and develop a sociable and dynamic co-working environment offering its users an affordable fully equipped creative workspace with staff and peers devoted to developing its members’ creative potential.

The aim of the studio is to create a community multi-functional art space. To provide a pop up gallery, creative art studio space where local artists can exhibit their work, provide workshops and art classes for the local community and support art education.

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